
total Jack point's - 16.75

06.23.2004 - 5 point distribution for completing the Cool Factor survey
06.23.2004 - 3 point distribution for the 'ummer' post
06.23.2004 - 1 point distribution for saying Jack is cooler than you
06.28.2004 - 0.75 point distribution for e-mailing me the secret word!
06.28.2004 - 2 point distribution for finding the second secret word
06.13.2005 - 5 point distribution for posting on the board

All about Rynski...

Name : Adam Strzynski
Who is cooler than you? : Jack, he said so and I believe what he says
Catchphrase : I steal whatever is popular at the time
Favorite Drink: bourbon on the rocks
Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink: Pepsi
His Dance: The Jiggly Worm
His Theme Song: Dangeresque Theme Song by Strong Bad
