
total Jack point's - 14.75

06.07.2004 - 2 point distribution for bringing me coffee. Yes, Jack can be bribed...
06.10.2004 - 0.75 point distribution for e-mailing me the secret word!
06.10.2004 - 5 point distribution for completing the Cool Factor survey
06.15.2004 - 1 point distribution for calling everybody on his list prior to 8:40
06.15.2004 - 2 point distribution for having his name cencored to 'btlthingy' on the board
06.15.2004 - 1 point distribution for saying that Jack is cooler than you
12.22.2004 - 3 point distrobution for the laughter

All about btlhancock...

Name : Jake
Who is cooler than you? : Jack
Catchphrase : Bend over and I'll show you ____!
Favorite Drink: Gin and Tonic
Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink: Red Bull
His Dance: The Dance Comando
His Theme Song: Scum Dogs of the Universe
