Official Rules for the arbitration of the commencing of "Crazy Golf" on
the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and Three
I. Order of Implementation
A. Rules shall be implemented in the order presented in the Official Rules
for the arbitration of the commencing of "Crazy Golf" on the Fifteenth of
October, in the year Two Thousand and Three.
i. In the event that a rule specifically instructs the Loser of the
previous week to apply the rules in a different order, that rule will take
precedence over rule I.A
a. In the event that two such rules contradict each other, rule I.A will
be used to resolve the contradiction between the rules governed by rule.
II. Holes in One
A. Provided that someone has achieved the scoring of the maximum number of
"hole in ones" for the party to which the Official Rules for the
arbitration of the commencing of "Crazy Golf" on the Fifteenth of October,
in the year Two Thousand and Three apply, that person shall immediately
become exempt from becoming the "Loser" for the Fifteenth of October, in
the year Two Thousand and Three.
i. In the event that more than two golfers are tied for the maximum number
of "hole in ones" for the group, rule II.A applies to all tied, unless
rule II.A.ii supersedes.
ii. In the event that all but one golfer have achieved a tie for the
maximum number of "hole in ones" for the group, then in superseding rule
I.A, the person who did not tie for the maximum number of "hole in ones"
for the party instead becomes the one exempt from being the "Loser" for
the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and Three.
a. Rule II.A.ii can supersede rule II.A.i.
iii. In the event that all golfers tie for the maximum number of "hole in
ones" for the group, a joyous celebration must occur at the location
deemed the Nineteenth hole. This celebration should involve drinking a
shot of something to be agreed upon by the group as a whole.
a. The group as a whole will agree up the "shot" to be taken, and
following Robert's Rules of Order, revised, the group will make that
b. Rule II.A.iii does not apply if the maximum number of "hole in ones"
for the group equals zero.
iv. If any golfer gets a "hole in one" on the tenth hole all other golfers
must by that golfer one drink of the lucky golfer's choice.
a. Rule II.A.iv does not apply towards the arbitration for the "Loser" for
the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and Three.
III. Penalty Strokes
A. The scorer for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and
Three shall keep track of the number of penalty strokes that each golfer
in his party has accrued.
i. A penalty stroke shall be defined as
a. A shot in the water
b. A shot in the sand
c. A shot that goes out of bounds
ii. Hole number ten shall not apply to the counting for rule III.A.
a. If the water is "out of play," for the Fifteenth of October, in the
year Two Thousand and Three, rule III.A.ii shall not be applied.
B. In the event that a individual golfer's number of penalty strokes more
than exceeds the cube of the sum of the penalty strokes for the rest of
the group that golfer participated in, that golfer shall become the
"Loser" for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and
IV. Return shots
A. The scorer for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and
Three shall keep track of the number of times that a ball hit from the tee
box, first leaves the tee box and then returns to either stop or pass
through the tee box.
i. If a ball is struck out of the tee box and is placed back into the tee
box due to an errant shot out of bounds or into water, this is
extraordinarily bad and will be double penalized. Thus this shot will
count towards both the count for Rule III.A and rule IV.A.
a. Hole number ten shall not apply to the counting for rule IV.A.i.
a. If the water is "out of play," for the Fifteenth of October, in the
year Two Thousand and Three, rule IV.A.i.a.a shall not be applied
V. Number of best non "Hole in One" holes
A. The scorer for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and
Three shall keep track of the number of times each golfer successfully
scores there best non "Hole in One" score.
i. The best best non "Hole in One score" could possibly be is a score of
VI. Master Formula for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand
and Three
A. Taking each golfer individual number from rules III.A, IV.A, and V.A
the scorer for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two Thousand and
Three, will complete the following formula presented in VI.A.i.
i. (Penalty Strokes + Return Shots) / (Number of best non "Hole in One"
B. The person with the maximum value as the result of this equation will
be deemed the "Loser" for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two
Thousand and Three.
i. The value from the equation will be rounded to the nearest tenth.
ii. In the event that two ore more golfers are equal in the Value
determined by equation VI.A.i the "Loser" for the Fifteenth of October, in
the year Two Thousand and Three shall be decided by those golfers
completing a round of Bear-Ninja-Cowboy.
VII. Thrown Putter
A. If a person throws there putter and it strikes the ground, that person
will be deemed the "Loser" for the Fifteenth of October, in the year Two
Thousand and Three.
i. Rule VII.A supersedes rule VI.B, but not any of the rules outlines in
and under rule II.